Baby Duty
This mother must need a long day to herself. She made her baby send a message to her daddy so that he can take care of her. She admits to being a lot of work. Look at the how unaware the little baby is.
Bye Rehab, Hey Home
How would you feel if someone came and picked you up from the airport announcing that you had just gotten out of rehab? This man here became so excited that his friend was finally coming home from rehab so he made a sign that he took to the airport.
Descriptions Please
When you need to pick up a stranger from the airport, you need to know what they look like first. This man here had that covered. Or does he? So Alice must have been easily spotted. After all, who else is a ‘random citizen’?
Looking For Some Action
So here we have this guy, obviously looking for some action. Last we checked, there was no one by the name of ‘Anal Penetration’, so we assume he wants to enter someone’s back door. Why would he need to look for this at the airport though?
That’s A Promise
Women these days need a man like this guy. Here he is literally offering to raise a child that is not his with the woman he loves. It makes us wonder though, who got her pregnant? Was it from before or was it during this trip she took?
Well Described
This chauffeur here is looking for one woman and one woman only. A ‘Smoking Hot Italian Chick’. Do you think he ever found the one he was looking for? Or could this be some prankster trying to get lucky with a naive tourist?