Temple Of Jupiter
Trilithon is the huge slabs of stones that build the foundation of Baalbek, a Roman temple in Lebanon. Thanks to these giant stones, the temple is counted in one of the most mysterious places on earth. Even though scientists have been studying it for the last 100 years, the mystery is still unsolved. About 25 stones have been crammed under the ruins that have a weight of 450 tons. The blocks taken in use has the weigh of 1,200 tons. If we talk about the Pyramid of Giza, each stone used for its construction weighs 80 tons. The magnificent piece of stone weighing about 1,200 tons is still there waiting to be cut free. The question is how did they transport the stones to the construction place.
On the other side of the Mississippi River from St. Louis there was a thriving city with 20,000 American Indians coming from various cultures. It happened to be North America’s biggest and most refined city. Amazingly, in those times the population of this city was as large as of European cities such as London. However, not much is known about this settlement as the city people did not hold records of the events.
If you are planning a tour of Mexico city do not forget to visit Mesoamerican city that falls 30 miles northeast of the capital. Pyramids along with many other buildings predate to 400 BCE. The Aztecs were found in the 1400s and by that time the city was all desolated. the city was named Teotihuacan or “the place where the gods were created.” However, there is no record on who constructed the city and for what purpose.
Yonaguni Monument
Yonaguni is located deep down in Japan’s southern island chain in the vicinity to Taiwan. Previously this island was renowned for hammerhead sharks but the whole focus shifted when in 1987, one diver came across an amazing yet confusing thing. He had found Yonaguni Monument. The structure is built with a slew of sandstone and mudstone and the point to note is that the way that the structure is constructed does not look to be built by mother nature. Notably, the biggest construction is some 130 feet wide, 90 feet tall, and 500 feet long.
Lake Michigan Triangle
We all have heard a great deal about the Bermuda Triangle located in the Caribbean but I doubt if you have heard anything about Lake Michigan. The mysterious nature of the place began to surface in 1891 thanks to the wooden ship carrying wooden logs and seven sailors got vanished one fine day without leaving a trace. The rescue team did a lot to locate the ship and the people but failed to find even a single piece of wood let alone living being.
Hessdalen Valley
The recurring incident began in 1981 in Norway when the people of Hessdalen Valley in central Norway saw colored lights dangling in the sky particularly from 9 p.m to 1 a.m. They occur mostly in winter. The reason could be anything ranging from solar activity, cosmic rays, heated nanoparticles, and mini-black holes to the quantum fluctuation of the vacuum state. Scientists did lots of research on the subject but unfortunately, all of them met a dead end. There is one more reason that seems to be a logical one. Perhaps, the lights were emanating from an airport located in distance. However, this too does not fit well.