The Illegal Spill
In 2007, a cargo owned by a drug cartel was carrying tons of Cocaine near Bogota, Columbia when it overturned exposing the illegal business. The drugs had been hidden in the walls and roof of the vehicle but could not hide after the collision took place. The accident was severe but the driver escaped with minor injuries.
There’s Lost Money All Over The Road
Apart from a lot of food, rig drivers have also lost a lot of money. Since 2004, there have been three incidents where a large amount of money was spilled on the roads across the United States. The first incident happened when a truck carrying $2 million worth of coins and crashed dumping out all the cash on the roads. Just one year later in Alabama, an armored truck coughed up $800,000 worth of coins. (That’s a lot of change but not enough). In 2009, a truck released 3.5 million nickels.
The Maple Syrup Incident At Buttermilk Pike
This one is sheer coincidence. In 2012, a truck carrying maple syrup crushed at Buttermilk Pike. The situation must have been sticky and that is why it took hours for the cleanup. Not a lot of information is available about this spill but the Buttermilk Pike we are talking about is located in Kentucky.
More Than Just Donuts Were Lost That Night
Another food debacle! In 2011, a big rig crashed and lost 20 tons of frozen food and meat. It took seven hours of rigorous cleanup to bring back things to normal. The driver escaped with non-fatal injuries. The workers carrying out the cleaning operations didn’t hesitate in stuffing some unspoiled food into their bags. Donuts, frozen food and a whole lot of freezer food.
Coming up is a honeycomb maze!
The Scariest Spill Of All Time
I would never have volunteered for this cleanup. When a truck carrying honey and 14 million bees crashed and unleashed havoc on the streets of Idaho, all the thanks the cleaning crew got was stings from the bees. (I wonder what they were cleaning, the honey or the bees). 14 million bees are a lot of them. Each one stinging a person could have sent the entire state in hospitals.
A Whole Lot Of Green Beans
This is the healthiest cargo spills on the list. It was in September 2014 when a cargo spilled out all of its veggies stock on the roads. It was so much of green beans on the road that it almost looked like a field of green grass. Some motorists even changed their route thinking they came the wrong way.
Of course, not many people came to collect the vegetables for dinner as they did in the case of sausages or donuts.