I Won’t Shift
Another thing that cats are known for is for being adamant. You could buy them the nicest of the stuff and they would still want their old stuff. This image is about the same too. The person has bought him a new and nice home but she isn’t ready to shift and gives them the look like she wants to say “Don’t try and blame me for your habit of buying unnecessary things.”
Big Brother
Pets watching television is one of the greatest things and they get so interested in it when something related to animals pops up on the television. This cat is so busy seeing its big brother, lions on the television. They both belong to the same family and the cat seems too interested in its big brother.
My Kingdom
Dogs have an obsession with digging holes and this particular dog loves digging holes in the backyard and then laying in them, it’s like his version of declaring his territory. This dog looks so peaceful sitting in that hole and it’s not easy to take him out of it as it loves his place too much.
The King’s Guard

These cats are sitting upright like a King’s Guard and the recliner has been converted into a throne. These cats are in such a serious mood like they would even kill for their king. These cats perched upon the armrest of the recliners are looking so royal and so adorable.
The Invisibility Cloak
This dog seems like a die-hard Harry Potter fan and has taken the invisibility cloak to a different level. However, this invisibility cloak has a different way of functioning, instead of making the one who’s wearing it invisible it makes the surrounding as per the requirements of the owner.
Where Is He? 
Pets don’t like when their love and attention is divided. They want undivided and personal attention and they cannot tolerate if someone stands in their way. This dog was not liking that his attention was getting divided so it climbed on the top of the other dog after putting a pillow over him.