
The way this dog looks at the guy petting him would have been so adorable only if the background would have been a little bit less dangerous. The image formed by the chairs seems like a dangerous set of teeth and this dog seems to be in the mood of eating this guy.

Helping Hand

This guy needed a helping hand at the office so he decided to attend a convention and see whether he could find someone. I really don’t know whether he succeeded in finding the helping hand or not but he found the one hand in a literal sense.

Thumbs Up!

What kind of witchery is this, Master?

These two best buddies who are a couple too were destined to play with your mind. He had to show how much he loved her so he wrapped his arms around her, but what is a photo without a classic thumbs up?

A Classy Bartender

This bartender is setting a really high bar. I don’t really understand that the crowd that’s been accumulating in front of this bartender is for the drinks or to solve this mystery. Whatever might be the reason, it would be really interesting if my bartender served drinks in a way like this and I could solve this mystery too.

A War’s Coming

Seems like Lord Voldemort has attacked the Hogsmeade because of the fact that Postal Owls do not easily come out in front of Muggles. Or it even might be that Ron might have performed the Transfiguration Charm in a wrong way and the timing couldn’t be worse, transfiguring a groom’s head into an owl, Professor McGonagall is going to give him a hard time now.

Zebra Girl

We always thought that centaurs are fictional creatures and that they did not exist in reality. But as Descartes said, “In order to determine whether there is anything we can know with certainty we first have to doubt everything we know”.

And if half women and half zebra exists, what is stopping us to doubt the fact that we once thought centaurs were fictional.