A Light’s Shadow
“Shadow is a dark area or shape produced by a body coming between rays of light and a surface.”
That’s the thing if they would have taught us science by using these fascinating illustrations we would have loved it. According to the definition, a shadow would be of an object which is intercepted by light. But what about light, would that too emit a shadow?
No, it does not.
Well Placed Shadow
This guy needed all the help he could in convincing his wife that he was on a fishing trip with his friends. This photo looks like it has been photoshopped and the guy in the background looks like he was added separately and this guy has no way to prove that he went on a trip with his friends. The well-placed shadow is making things worse for him and so is the fact that he did not catch a single fish.
The Bat Ring
Well someone said it correct, “Always be yourself, unless you can be Batman. Then always be Batman”.
This ring took this saying to another level and proved it right. This ring would have been just a normal diamond ring, and then it stopped being a Batman ring. This ring brings out a mini Batman and we cannot be less mesmerized by the mini caped crusader.
Leaf Turned Giraffe
We usually have a tendency of transforming into our significant other and this leaf has proved it yet again. They have a saying ” You Complete Me”. This leaf has proved it yet again that Giraffes love leaves and the vice versa is true too. And this leaf has yet again proved that Giraffes and leaves complete each other.
Perfectly Placed Architecture
The Scottish Architect definitely had some crazy things on mind while designing that pavement. It is not the pattern that makes it so interesting but the shadows that make it more interesting. The metal fence that has been erected gives a pattern on the pavement by its shadow and we can bet that you didn’t recognize it.
Astonishing Discovery

The thing is that we have been taught wrong our entire life.
We were told that the telephone and its cord are nonliving things. But recent searches claim that we were wrong all along. This image is proof that telephone wires are well-living beings and given in the above image is its DNA attached.