Cyclist Escapes Death

Dutch cyclist Maarten De Jonge has escaped and fooled death not once but twice in his life in the same year of 2014. De Jonge was supposed to be on Malaysia Airline flight 370 which disappeared after it took off, and a second time he was supposed to be on Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 which was shot down over Ukraine. He happened to change flight both times in the hope of saving time and money. Little did he know he was saving his life as well. 

Long-Lost Twins

When two separated at birth twins, Jim Lewis and Jim Springer reunited after 39 years of their lives in 1979, it was astonishing to find out how they had both been living the same kind of life even when they did not even know of the existence of each other. Both worked security jobs, had wives with the same name Betty, and gave their sons the same name, James Alan and James Allan. 

Always The Winner

From 1861 to 1878, a man named Henry Tragne of Marseille, France participated in five duels. Amazingly, he won the first four duels without even firing a single shot as all four men died of natural causes all of a sudden. In the fifth duel before anybody had the chance to fire their respective guns, it was no one else to have dropped dead but Tragne himself.

Purpose Is Served

After his sister committed suicide, a brother decided upon taking revenge on Harry Ziegland, the person who had promised to be with his sister forever but broke her heart because of which she took her own life. The angry brother shot a gun at Ziegland and when he thought that Ziegland was dead, he shot himself with the same gun and died at the spot. But the bullet shot at Ziegland did not strike him and hit a tree instead. Three years later when Ziegland was working removing the tree through dynamite, the bullet came out flying and hit Ziegland finally.