The Start And End

The founder of Rome was the world-renowned legendary Romulus. The first emperor of the Roman Empire had adopted the name Augustus. The name of the emperor of the Western Roman Empire that the Germanic Barbarians deposed and ended the Roman Empire was none other than Romulus Augustus. 

The 4th Of July

The second and third President and Founding Fathers, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson often switched between as friends and then rivals. Both of the founding fathers died on the same day, July 4th of 1826, on the 50th anniversary of American Independence. Not just this, James Monroe, the 5th president of America also died on the 4th of July of 1831. 

Simpsons Predict Future

The world knows about The Simpsons ability to predict the future. First, the show’s prediction of the presidency of Donald Trump came true. Secondly, it predicted about Disney purchasing 20th century Fox which also proved to be right. The show even showed the invention of smartwatches in advance, when nobody must’ve even thought of it. 

Sinking Survivor

In Dover Straits, a ship sank in the year 1660 killing a number of people. The only survivor was a man named Hugh Williams. In 1767, yet another ship sank in the same Dover Straits, and the only survivor yet again was a Hugh Williams. In 1820, a ship capsized in the roaring waves of Thames. There was only one survivor. Need we state who? Once again, a man named Hugh Williams. 


During World War I, the British navy converted a cruise ship into a war vessel and named it the RMS Carmania and to keep it hidden from the enemies eyes, they smartly disguised it as a German Passenger Liner, the SMS Cap Trafalgar. The plan proved to be successful when the Carmania attacked and destroyed a German Ship which was actually the SMS Cap Trafalgar and was disguised by the German navy like the British’s RMS Carmania. 

Poker Surprise

In 1858, an aged man named Robert Fallon was at the spot shot-dead in the midst of playing poker for the mere reason of cheating at the game. According to the rules of Poker, he was immediately replaced at the poker table by a young man who won really big at the game as soon as he started with it. Who was this young man? He was none other than Fallon’s own son, but the two hadn’t seen each other in decades.