Terracotta Baby Bottle
This artifact was found in Italy in 2013 by archeologists and this artifact is claimed to be 2400 years old and it is concluded by the archeologists that this was a baby’s bottle in a pig like structure and which was also used as a toy by the kids. It is a vessel with a narrow mouth to pour the liquid.
Nebra Sky Disk 
This artifact is 3600 years old was not believed to be an artifact and was thought of as an archeology forgery until it was scientifically proven that it is an authentic artifact and it was preserved from then. The symbols on the disc are deduced to be sun and the moon, the two arcs are at an angle of 82° from one another, which correctly indicates the angle between the sunset position at summer and midwinter at the latitude of the Mittelberg (51°N).
The Desert Kites
Found by the pilots in the 20th century in Israel these low stone walls baffled the scientist as they spread to a huge distance. This site was named on the basis of its appearance from an aerial view. Further, it was made clear that it was used to lure in and slaughter animals.
Trundholm Sun Chariot
This artifact is made up of bronze and gold and is said to belong to the Nordic Bronze Age which lasted from 1700- 500 B.C. But the exact age of this artifact is still what baffles the archeologists. Some say that this chariot is a ritualistic object while others say that this chariot might have been used as a calendar.
The Divje Babe Flute
The world’s oldest musical instrument dates back to 43000-60000 years old and is made from the femur of a cave bear. This was found in a cave in Slovenia in 1995. There have been different opinions as to what this artifact actually is and some researchers reject the claim that it’s a musical instrument, but the majority believe that it is indeed a musical instrument.
The Venus Figurines
More than 200 figurines of statuettes of women have been found mostly in Europe, but there have been cases when these statuettes have been found as far as Siberia. These statuettes have been collectively known as the Venus Figurines. The archeologists say that these figurines have been inspired by Venus, the ancient goddess of love.