Brave Girl
The girl had a big responsibility on her shoulder. As his father was unconscious and there was no one around them, it was her only who could get her father out of this situation. The girl herself confused started speaking frantically. She said, “Um… my Dad can hardly breathe”. The dispatcher did not take much time to figure out that there was a kid on the other end of the phone.
Not A Joke
Initially, the dispatcher had some trouble believing that it was not a joke. The person asked her about her age just to confirm and the girl replied said that she is five years old. It was the first time for a dispatcher to come across such type of case. Nevertheless, the dispatcher continued talking.
Gathing Informations
Savannah held her semi-conscious father’s hand and reassured him that everything was going to be okay. After talking to her a little while, the dispatcher realized the severity of the issues. He asked her more question about her father.
Asked For Help
The dispatcher did not waste a single second in dispatching the ambulance and officers once he felt that the information provided by the girl is authentic. At the same time, he continued talking to Savannah in order to know more about the situation. Though Savannah did not need, he also tried to calm her down.
The dispatcher proceeded by asking her if her home’s front door was open. The girl did not know that and so she asked her father. Frank told her that it is locked.
“It’s Okay, Daddy”
Savannah had begun to lose her patience. She asked the dispatcher, “How many minutes?” At the same time, she reassured her father. She said, “Okay, you have to stay awake they’ll be here in a couple minutes. It’s okay, Dad.”