River In The Ocean
If you dive far in the Yucatan Peninsula, between the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf you can find a mysterious river that flows beneath. This river-like density of the water was made possible by the heavy concentration of the saltwater which is at the bottom of the river. This concentration separated freshwater from the saltwater.
Bimini Road
While diving in the Bahamas, you can see the Bimini Road just 6 meters below. With the discovery of this road, many theories came to life such as some believe it to be created by “Ancient Egyptian divine protectors,” and they even say that this path leads to the mythical city of Atlantis. While some believe they are formed by the natural process. These theories are the reason for its popularity.
Another ancient city which has submerged into deep waters is HERACLEION. Everyone thought it was a mythical city until it was discovered. This city was known by a different name in Egypt and by another name in Greek. It was one of the prosperous cities of the 17th and 18th centuries. The reason behind its sinking is believed to be natural disasters.
Lion City
Before the 1950s there was a city situated in the valley near Wu Shi Mountain which is known as Five Lion Mountain in English. During that time, Zhejiang was the center of economics and politics. But in 1950 the Chinese government decided to flood the city to build a dam.
Apollo Mission Remains
Engines of the Spacecraft of Apollo 11 Mission which made it possible for Neil Armstrong to be the first man to land on the moon were found deep inside an ocean, about 14000 feet below the surface. No wonder, the plane had its remains in the sky as well as underwater.
Lost Mahabalipuram Pagoda
The tsunami of 2005 made one of the lost Mahabalipuram Padoga visible at the coast of Bay of Bengal. This is believed to be one of the seven temples. 6 are still submerged in the water.