Kids are known for being honest and hilarious at the same time. They do not care whether they are in front of the camera or not. They aren’t camera conscious and that is one of the best attributes of these little munchkins.
The time when they have to go school for the very first time or in a new grade is one of the moments that are to be cherished forever and parents do everything they can to make it a memorable one. But some of these kids made these moments even great than their parents thought by doing all the random stuff.
Sad Or Mad
It’s quite difficult to say what this little guy is feeling. Is he panicked, sad, or frustrated?
Neither the sign in his hand comforts him, nor the two teddy bears that are stuffed under his arms. You’ll have to give it to this little guy for his honesty. No matter the number of gifts you bribe children with, they won’t smile if they aren’t feeling happy.
Who’s More Excited?
The first day of school is not only a great day for the kids but also for the parents too. While the little cuties take up the mantle of being responsible and picking up their books, the parents are relieved about the fact that they will have some time to themselves and won’t have to act as referees in the sibling’s bouts.
Joey Tribbiani
Is it Joey from F.R.I.E.N.D.S?
I mean, who else in their right mind would do this other than Joey Tribbiani? Standing right next to the sign is way too mainstream. So break the trend and start dancing right next to the sign instead. I think that we have found Joey, now all we need is Chandler Bing.
Been There, Done That
There are two types of kids in the world. First, are those who are super excited about the school and want to enjoy their every moment and make them memorable. On the other hand, some kids won’t even hold the sign until they are honest about their hatred towards school and we wonder what is it that’s frightening this little kid. Is it the spelling tests or the Mathematics classes?
A Family Tradition
When two of the kids at home were going to hold a sign the youngest one was also enthusiastic about holding one and when she did not get a sign her screams were enough to get her a sign. But we are skeptical about the fact that their father would have screamed too if he didn’t receive a sign.
Fake Smiles
All you can do is get the kids ready, make them hold a sign stating the fact that they are excited about their first day at school, but they can’t fake a smile for too long. This little lady seems more unhappy even after holding a sign. It’s as if she wants to have a pre-cry before Pre-K.