Russian Families Are Very Close
You must know that if you are romantically involved and serious with a Russian woman or man, you will most likely be treated as a part of the family. There is an ongoing tradition for Russians to be supportive of their closest and dearest ones. History has told us that Russians are known to be very loyal to their near and dear ones. So if you are dating a Russian, you will immediately be treated like a son or daughter.
Russia Vs Pluto
The fact that Russia is the biggest country in the whole world is not something new. We are all aware that the land takes up only a certain portion of the landscapes and cities. So there are several secrets about Russia that is yet to be discovered. You would be quite astonished to know that the whole entirety of the country is almost equal to the size of Pluto. Russia is 17 million sq km and Pluto is 17.6 million sq km.
Too Close To Be Enemies
Russia and the United States for many years have been in competition with one another. During the Cold War, the two nations were heavily butting heads with one another. The two countries are in deep contrast with each other but are very close in proximity. For example, there is a 2-mile distance between the Big Diomede Island from Russia and Little Diomede Island from America.
The Struggle Is Real
Even though Russia is rich and large in size, there are a lot of people who do not get to experience the joy of living in such a wonderful country. There have been recent reports which prove that over 17 million people are living under the poverty line in Russia. This basically means that 12% of the entire population makes less than $220 dollars a month. You can see multiple beggars on the streets of Moscow too.