Newby-McMahon Building
J.D McMahon had a great plan of housing people when he heard that there has been an oil boom nearby. He started collecting investments that were to be used to build a skyscraper that would be used to house plenty of people. The guy built the world’s tiniest skyscraper which was just 40 feet in height and kept the rest of the money.
Musical Roads
Yes, you read it right- Musical roads!
Throughout America, there are many roads that use the rumble strips on the road creating vibrations that are audible. Just remember to roll down your window on the road in Tijeras and hum to the music of ‘America the Beautiful’.
Fenelon Place Elevator
What would be the distance that the shortest railroad in the world would cover?
189 foot. The railroad in Dubuque, Iowa is not only the shortest but is also claimed to be the steepest railroad in the world. This railroad takes the travelers to the observation decks where they can have a view of downtown Dubuque.
Skinny House
What would you do to get back to an unfriendly neighbor?
Throw a brick at his glass or maybe throw garbage in his backyard. But this guy had other plans altogether. Just 10 feet wide, this house was built only to take revenge and that the light could be blocked in the neighbor’s house.
Gregson Street Overpass
No one might have ever thought that a bridge would go by the name of ‘The Can Opener’. Trucks, SUVs and any other vehicle that might have drunk hight enhancing drinks in their childhood need to beware as this bridge almost witness a truck tragedy every month.
Sam Kee Building
The Sam Kee Building located in Vancouver, Canada holds the record of being ‘The Shallowest Commercial Building in the World’. The owner of the property was too adamant to sell his property after the city took almost 24 feet of his property and built a 5 feet deep building on the bottom floor.