Mill Ends Park
Do you think that the park in your neighborhood is small?
If you do then you should definitely visit Portland, Oregon and visit the officially recognized and usually referred to as the smallest park in the world. The place where the Mills End park stands was supposed to be a place for the light pole, but when the pole was not planted, a local journalist planted a flower.
Michigan in 1898 banned all kinds of motor vehicles from the eight-mile stretch of the road that surrounds one of the most popular islands for tourists in Lake Huron. The law had to be passed when some horses got scared of a doctor’s car and people started complaining and still, people do not use any motor vehicle on that road.
Eiffel Tower
Procrastinating is the real enemy of all our planned trips and even though we know it we still don’t want to improve.
So instead we brought a solution to you for seeing the Eiffel Tower and you don’t even have to visit the City of Lights. A city located 2 hours away Dallas is a perfect alternative and if you muster all your courage and visit there you’ll find a cowboy hat nestled atop it.
This village emerged with a population of almost 150 people in the 1930s. This city has the least amount of residents that can settle in a city. According to the census conducted in 2010, the city spread across a 0.21 square mile home had only one resident- 76-and-a-half-year-old women.
The World’s Tallest Thermometer
We know that irritating feeling when a doctor sticks a thermometer in your mouth.
But think what was to happen if the thermometer was 134-foot long? A 134-foot long thermometer is situated in a town of Baker and the height of the thermometer is to commemorate the day when the temperature soared to 134 degrees Fahrenheit.
U Thant Island
What’s so special about a place that acts as a sanctuary for migrating birds?
Manhattan’s smallest island known as the U Thant Islands were named by a group that goes by the name of Peace Meditation at United Nations. This was named so after the former United Nations Secretary-General of Burma.