Centralia is a town that lies in Pennsylvania which has been burning for almost past 58 years. A coal mine fire which started in 1962 is still ablaze underground and has reduced the population of the city to only seven people in 2013. The firefighters tried to extinguish the fire but could not because of the lack of resources and funds and the fire has formed a graffiti on the road that cuts right through the heart of this ghost town.
Thor’s Well
If you think that the oceans did not have a drain pipe then we are here to tell you that my friend you are terribly wrong. Referred to as the Drain pipe of the Pacific, this 20-foot suction hole is located near Oregon coast and it looks like it sucking all the oceans. But the people who love great adventure would always like to visit this place.
Prada Art Installation
Prada Marfa designed by Dragset and Elmgreen is a permanently installed sculpture situated in Texas. The ‘Pop Architectural land art Project’ was inaugurated in 2005 and required a huge ton load of money, $120,000 to be precise. And it was never to be repaired so that it would end up like a natural landscape.
The Desert Of Maine
The Desert of Maine is not an actual desert as many of you might have thought by its name. This is a place in Freeport, Maine that is spread across 40 acres and is full of the glacial silt which resembles a lot to the sand which gives it the impression.
Cadillac Ranch
Vandalism might be considered as a crime in many states, but this place off Route 66 invites people to show their creativity.
Ten Cadillacs that have been half-buried, invite vandalism and drive-by paint jobs and the best thing is that you cannot be arrested for the same.
Devils Tower
In 1906, Theodore Roosevelt the President at that time took up the decision of declaring this Bear Lodge Mountains as a national monument. According to the legends of Lakota and Kiowa tribes, the structure was formed so that two tribal girls were saved from a bear attack and this is from where this mountain got its name.