If you think you can live without food products that contain soluble fiber in them, think again. If you go for a long time without consuming high soluble fiber food items, you will certainly face some issues in your health. You need these food items to avoid almost every abdominal issue you could encounter. They are also excellent for your digestive system and lowers the risk of heart diseases. Take a look at some of the best soluble fiber food products you need to incorporate in your daily diet.
Almond Nuts
The regular intake of nuts is a quick way to spike your dose of dietary fiber and boost neurologic function. A healthy meal of almond nuts contains 11.6 grams of dietary fiber per serving. Whereas, walnuts contain 7.8 grams of dietary fiber per serving. Apart from high fiber content; nuts are rich in manganese, omega-3 fatty acids, copper, potassium, phosphorus, and protein.

Split Peas & Chickpeas
A normal serving of split pea soup contains 16 grams of dietary fiber. Split Peas are rich in healthy omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. However, consumers can get their recommended daily dose of folate, protein, manganese, and thiamine from split peas. Chickpeas are small beans with over 80 percent of manganese per serving. More so, consumers of chickpeas enjoy 12.5 grams of dietary fiber per serving. Other essential nutrients include; folate, protein, omega-6 fatty acids, copper, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Berries & Flaxseeds
Raspberries and blueberries are fiber-rich foods with a delightful flavor. An ounce of these varieties of berries contains between 5.3 to 6.5 grams of dietary fiber. Apart from their fiber quantity, berries are antioxidant-rich fruits. You can increase the nutrition level of diets by adding raspberries, and blackberries to oatmeal and smoothies. In every 10 grams of flaxseeds is 2.8 grams of your required dose of soluble fiber. To increase the nutritional value of your diets; blend two tablespoons of nutrient-dense flaxseed. Then, add the powder to soups, oatmeal, smoothies, and salads.

Pinon Nuts & Quinoa
Consumers of pinon nuts overate its taste when little information is known about its nutritional value. An ounce of 28 grams of pinon nuts contains 12.2 grams of soluble fiber. Apart from dietary fiber, pinon nuts are rich in monounsaturated fat phosphorous, and zinc. The content of soluble fiber in Quinoa is 5.2 grams per serving of about 185 grams. Quinoa is an easily digestible seed with essential vitamins. The fiber-rich diet is gluten-free and rich in vitamins.

Chia Seeds & Vegetables
Chia seeds contain over 10 grams of soluble fiber per ounce. The consumption of chia seeds will boost your energy. To reduce stomach bloating; it’s recommended to soak chia seeds in water before cooking. Veggies are rich sources of fiber and vitamins. The consumption of veggies boost metabolism and improve eyesight. There are 3.3 grams of soluble fiber in a serving of Broccoli.

Black Beans
Black beans give your food a thick gravy texture plus is an amazing source of fiber. A cup of black beans has 15 grams, which amounts to 40–60% of the RDA for men and women (2, 4). Black beans have pectin in it. This is a soluble fiber that turns gummy-like when exposed to water. They can make your tummy full for a longer period of time with a lot of protein and iron, low in calories and almost fat-free. There are 5.4 grams of soluble fiber in every three-quarter cup (129 grams) of cooked black beans.