
Sometimes when a chimera who was originally a set of same-sex twins is born, they can possess a patch of skin or even a different eye color. In case the sex was different, i.e. a chimera born from a male and a female twin, it has the possibility of becoming a hermaphrodite. However, in the case of animals, the effects of chimerism can be more extreme.

Scientists have been trying to study the phenomenon behind Chimerism for a while now. In the year 2017, scientists at the Salk Institute in San Jose, California created a Chimera, more like a hybrid between two species, for research purposes. They dissected the DNA of a day old pig embryo, removed one of its organs and replaced it with human stem cells.
New Hope

The results of the research were astounding. The pig fetus grew up with a human organ! Scientists are hopeful this will bring a new chance in stem cell research to grow human organs for donation purposes as well as for cruelty-free testing of products.
A Happy Ending

Although Lydia’s condition brought her a lot of trouble she managed to find out about her condition which makes her one of the most unique people in the world. Getting financial aid was not easy, but after all the stress and hardships, Lydia gets to live with her kids happily without the thought of losing them ever again.