Similar Case

Lydia’s lawyer, Alan, noticed the similarities between Lydia and Karen’s case. So if his theory is correct, there is one way to prove Lydia’s connection with her kids and that is through a cervical screening test. Even though Lydia was exhausted by the thought of going through any more tests, Alan assured her it is the only option they have left. And if he is correct, they are on their way to win this case.
The Missing Piece

At the very least, Lydia was able to provide proof for a direct connection between her mother and her children. So she was hoping if the results are negative again, she will at least have this proof. But to her relief, for the first time, the results from the test came back positive, showing a direct undeniable link between Lydia and all three of her children.
A Rare Case

Lydia and Karen both have a rare case of a genetic syndrome called Chimerism. Chimerism is a condition which initiates right from the womb when a baby is conceived. In the womb, people with Chimerism begin as twins. But during the early stages of pregnancy, one of the twins absorbs the other. This happens way before a woman even comes to now she has twins in her womb.
DNA Error

The cells of the absorbed twin do not vanish. Rather, they become a mass in one specific part of the surviving twin’s body. In Lydia’s case, the DNA of her twin was amassed in her womb. This is the reason why her children did not match her DNA. Chimerism has no more than 40 documented cases across the globe which makes this condition extremely rare.
Winning At Last

After 16 months of pain and tears, Lydia Fairchild’s legal case was at last dismissed. The judge apologized to Lydia for doubting her intentions and the relationship she shares with her children. She will be granted the financial assistance she requested for her three children, who happened to share the DNA of her long lost twin.

The word Chimerism was originated from Chimera, a mythological Greek monster. It consisted of a lion, a goat, and a serpent. It is believed that the creature passed on ill fortune to those who saw it. For Lydia and Karen, their chimerism did not show any external characteristics or marks and could only be detected through genetic testing.