A Majestic View

This was once in a lifetime moment for them. Steve, no matter how much scared he was also agreed that he might never be able to see anything like that ever again. So, they were ready to observe this creature from a distance. But what they didn’t know was that this pyrosome soon enough noticed them and got into action.

Getting Too Close

In order to film the pyrosome closely, Steve went too close to it. He said, “It was very puzzling but also fantastic to be able to view it right up close and spend so much time with it.” That’s when he realized that in an effort to get a clear footage of this creature he got too close to it.

It Noticed Them

When Steve swam too close to it, the giant pyrosome noticed both the divers. It started to swirl around them as if it was showing off how long it can be. They couldn’t forget this moment anyway. Andrew said, “Without a doubt, the highlight of the trip was to find the pyrosome. I’ve wanted to see one for many years now.”

Extremely Lucky

Andrew and Steve knew that they were encountering something that rarely anyone else does but what they didn’t know was how extremely lucky they were. have you ever seen any of these types of images before? No, right? And an important person after hearing of their encounter said what made it clear that both of the friends were in luck that day.

Rare Encounters

The founder of “Young Ocean Explorer” told that getting so close to one of the giant pyrosome is a rare sighting. Even though these creatures stay near to the surface most of their lives, they never get this close to humans. So far, no one ever got any such thing filmed before. Hence, Andrew and Steve were in so much luck that day.

Strange Biology

Pyrosomes are one of the strange species that still amuses not only common people but also the biologists. This organism is made of a bunch of more than hundreds or even thousands of tiny organisms that are known as “zooids”. This forms a gelatinous tunic so comparing a pyrosome with a tube is the right thing anyway.