Not Greedy At All
Dino wasn’t greedy at all, but he valued money. After all, he earned every single penny after a lot of hard work. He was investing his time and his skills to earn this money and his girlfriend was spending without any second thoughts. It was all so strange because the girl he knew wasn’t into overspending at all! So far, Dino thought of her as a sensible and mature woman but now he started to rethink everything.
Bizarre Behavior
This bizarre behavior of his girlfriend made Dino think if she was ever in love with him or it was just the fact that she wanted to use him and his money. His focus was completely shaken and he couldn’t concentrate anymore. What made it worse was the thought that she might be cheating on him.
Making A Plan
Andrea, his girlfriend was neglecting his calls. She was not at the condo during the weekends nor was she in touch with any of his friends or family. Finally, Dino made a plan and as his friend said, “he arranged for his relief to come out a few days early and flew back home.”
Trusted Instincts
It didn’t come to any of Dino’s friends as a shock when he said that his instincts about his girlfriend were right. Dino had the original keys to the house and he asked the condominium association’s security guard if he had noticed anyone going to meet his partner. When the guard told him that she was upstairs with a man, Dino’s heart broke. Yet he walked upstairs with a guard to make him a witness to whatever he will face upstairs.
Unexpected Mess
Andrea wasn’t expecting Dino to be home anytime soon. She knew he will return only by the end of the month and there was still a week left in his arrival date. When Dino barged in his condo, the woman he assumed to be the one was a complete mess. Since that moment everything was about to go downwards.
Get Out
Despite being betrayed, Dino didn’t react aggressively in the situation. As his friend described he “didn’t go off and didn’t lose his temper, to his credit. Just told the guy to get out. Then he told Andrea to get out, too. He handed her the key to a hotel room, 50 bucks for cab fare, and told her to leave.”