Something Off…
The friend who was suspicious about Dino’s girlfriend, once said that she “raised the hair on the back of my neck.” Furthermore, he made some serious allegations by saying that she was “one of the most self-centered, attention gathering people I had ever met.”
His concerned friend later said in a statement, “she was smart, all right, you could tell that in 5 minutes of conversing with her. But she was devastatingly gorgeous, knew it, and was very skilled at manipulating the people around her. Every instinct in me screamed ‘predator.’”
Baseless Talks
This friend of Dino seemed really worried for her honest and loyal friend but he didn’t have any proofs to validate his views about Dino’s girlfriend. And for the sake of their friendship, he finally gave up on the entire idea and just hoped for his friend’s best. So, on one side, Dino’s friend stopped warning him, an on the other side, this woman grew closer to Dino than anyone ever did. He got so emotionally attached to this girl, that he started believing everything she said to him.
Moving In
Dino soon asked her to move in with her. He knew it was a big step but he trusted her. She used to take care of his condo while he was out for work for several months and he used to eagerly wait to return home to his amazing girlfriend. For a while or so, Dino lived believing she was the best thing to happen to him. Sadly, his love was soon taken over by doubts.
Bank Statement Oddity
One of Dino’s friends told, “he was seeing stuff on his bank statements,” he further added, “like a $300 grocery purchase, and then another $200 grocery purchase a couple of days later. Either she was eating $500 worth of groceries a week or she was pumping cash-backs from the grocery store into her purse.” All this sounded very odd for Dino as well as his friend.
Gold Digger
Although Dino didn’t want to believe, it seemed like his girlfriend was nothing just a gold digger. While Dino was busy with his work, his girlfriend kept on spending a large amount out of his personal savings for her own needs. He gave her the card for the times of emergency, not for her lavishing expenses.