The Wait

So, the team of experts waited for the carvings to reveal themselves once again. The site was protected and nobody was allowed to enter it. It was guarded with U.S Army, you don’t mess with the army. You just obey what they say. You can imagine the seriousness and importance of the discovery now. The experts were ready to wait as it was worth waiting.

The Chosen Ones

Archeologists found out the reason why no one was able to spot the carvings before. The carvings were covered with the thick layer of sand and that’s why nobody was able to spot them and it was a lucky day for Mike and Lonnie as they were there in the right place at the right time. The sea revealed the carvings when it took the sand away with it.

The Warnings!

The archeologists made sure that nobody enters the site as they were afraid that when now the carvings have disappeared again the tourists might walk on them by mistake which could destroy the carvings for good. So, they asked the tourists to stay away from the spot or walk around it. The archeologists didn’t know when they would see the carvings again.

Future Plans

Exzabe and his team did warn the people to not remove the sand of the area and the people were cooperative because they could see the seriousness of the discovery. The local people helped the authorities by telling the tourists on their level that they should avoid that spot. All they could do now was to wait. The team didn’t want to destroy the carvings at any cost and all they had to do was to have a little patience before the carvings revealed themselves again.

Very Very Important

The administrator of SHPD Alan Downer has stated that for now, they have no control over the carvings as it was almost impossible to tell when they are going to reveal themselves again, so they were waiting for that day to come. But meanwhile, they were trying to teach people about the importance of such findings and why they should protect the area. “This discovery is an important part of Hawaii’s culture,” said Alan Downer.

Questions Unanswered

It’s very important to understand the significance of petroglyphs as they are the missing links of Hawaii’s history. They shed some new light about the Hawaiian culture and history which not only helps the archeologists to study the past in detail but also brings the local people near to their lost history.