Unique Case

The U.S Army archeologist Alton Exzabe and local resident of Waianae both were sure that this was certainly a unique case in the world because usually, petroglyphs are well conservated in the areas they are spotted. And during the span of the investigation, other archeologists said the same thing. And soon, the Eastern Coast of Waianae became a center of archeological research.

Many People Saw Them

Alton Exzabe declared that he did see these petroglyphs when he was a little boy and when he read about Hawaii’s history and about the first settlers of the islands, he got so intrigued by it that history became his passion which he then took to the next level and soon he became the most famous archeologist. And this discovery changed his life’s course.

Childhood Stories

When Exzabe was small, he heard many myths about these figures which were hidden around the islands and little did he know that some years later he would be the one to investigate them. Talk about luck. Maybe it was those fascinating stories which made him pursue archeology. He said, there was a time when he thought that it was all just a lie, but the destiny and history proved him wrong. 

The Value Of Native Culture

Exzabe and his research team told that the petroglyphs that were found were 4 centuries old. And if we think about it, the Europeans arrived on the island during the second half of the 18th century, meaning that the petroglyphs were carved 150 years ago before Captain James Cook set foot here.

Insightful Discovery

This discovery gave fascinating new information about Hawaiian culture and history. The experts knew these figures were made before the European colonization and many Hawaiis historical sites are before colonization happened in Hawaii.

The Importance For Local People

More than us, the discovery is important for the local people who have been living in these parts for years. Such discoveries tell more about their history and culture to the people who are part of this history. For them, these aren’t just archeological discoveries but answers about their past. It was personal for them.