Amazing Figures

Both men looked closely at the carvings and they found there were more than 10 human figures carved in stones which were more than 5 feet each. They informed the local authorities about the discovery as they were no expert about such. Though they knew that these figures mean something but they had to know more about it and only experts could tell what they were.

Unique Figures

These figures are very unique all around the globe and most of them could be spotted in the islands in Eastern Polynesia. Until the full investigation wasn’t done nobody could tell what these figures meant and who made them and when. The experts were called to take a look at the figures and then they told an unbelievable story about the past of Hawaii and who made them.

Right Thing To Do

Rather than making a hype about the discovery Mike and Lonnie were smart enough to inform about it to the local authorities because tourists dont act in such a way where they call up the authorities, however, there have been instances where tourists have damaged such archeological sites by touching them, walking on them, or stealing some parts of it to keep them as souvenirs. Luckily, both men did the right thing in the end.

The Authorities Came

Cases where archeological discoveries are involved, there are certain protocols that authorities have to follow before they can tell something concrete about the project. First, the State Historic Preservation Division inspect the area and it’s their decision to conclude if the site is even an archeological site or a fake. And because of that, every country has an official State Historic Preservation Division for such cases.

After Hours Of Inspection

The State Historic Preservation Division and the U.S Army was on the site at Waianae where they worked together to explore the discovery to the fullest. And they concluded that, yes, this was indeed an archeological site with not 10 but with more than 17 petroglyphs. You just can’t ignore the fact that nobody before Mike and Lonnie spotted them because there might be a possibility they had already seen them but didn’t care to inform the authorities.

An Important Discovery

Some archeological sites are found meters and meters under the sea. But these petroglyphs were at the shoreline and amazingly, the majority of them were in a very good state. It’s not every day the archeologists make such discovery that gives them more insight about the past. Surely, this discovery would take them a little closer to Hawaiian history!