Ed, The Same Guy
Your guess is correct, it was the same Ed. And Kay immediately turned over the pages and there were more photos of Ed and Heidi when they were six. Heidi liked Ed Savitt when she was six and she was completely unaware of it till then.
Chilling Revelation
It was surreal for her. Kay recalled that moment stating: “I was screaming, it was just unreal.” Till then, Kay knew they’ll be marrying and will be living together. But after this revelation, she knew that they met when they were 6 and they were meant to be together.
First Person To Know

“Of course, I sent it to Fiona. Then loads more photographs came out. None of us had any idea whatsoever that Heidi and Ed had met before university. But during that two-week holiday, they held hands most of the time.,”
Informing Fiona
The first person to know about it after Kay was Fiona. She too was taken aback by the photo that Kay just texted her. She was already proud that her son chose the right girl for himself, however, no she too believed that both of the kids were destined to be together.
Sharing With The Kids
“When Kay sent me the photo of a little boy called Ed I shrieked, ‘oh my goodness, that’s Ed!’ It was unbelievable,” recalled Fiona. Kay kept her search going and found many other pictures of the kids together. When the mothers shared the pictures with their families including Heidi and Ed, they were nothing less of amused. According to Heidi, this discovery changed her as a person forever.
“When my mum found the first photo of us she sent it to me and I was stunned. I actually had to lie down!” Heidi said in an interview. She further added: “Ed’s family then dug out their photo album from the same holiday and found about five other photos of us together and with our siblings too. It was unbelievable!”