An Attic Secret
The ladies discussed a lot but didn’t come up with a solution until two weeks later, when Kay suddenly got into her storeroom thinking to clean up the old mess and make space for the wedding items. Unaware of the truth she was about to face.
Impulsive Decision
This impulsive decision of Kay to clean the attic required replacing a lot of old boxes, managing her old items and throwing away the useless ones. While going through one of the boxes, she noticed a dusty album in the bottom of it.
Hidden Intentions
This was it, this was what Kay was trying to find. Yes, all this cleaning and dusting was just an excuse. This album was somewhere in the back of her memory, however, she wasn’t sure where exactly it was kept. So far, Kay wasn’t sure if this was the same album she had in her mind or not.
20 Years Back
Once she opened the photo album, Kay was certain that she was going in the right direction. This album contained the photographs of their family holiday in Turkey. All the questions that were on her mind ever since she heard about Ed, the little boyfriend were answered then and there.
Photos Hold The Key
Those family photos of their trip to Gumbet in July 1997 brought so many memories with it. Kay remembered how amazing holiday it was and how extremely happy her daughter, Heidi had been during those 2 weeks.
A Blonde Boy
Going through the pictures, she eventually found a photo of Heidi standing next to her holiday boyfriend, a six-year-old blonde boy. This time Kay immediately recognized this boy. She had recently met this boy and she knew whom to tell this to.