A Memorable Holiday
Kay started sharing the experience of one of her most memorable trip when her kids were younger. It happened when Heidi was just six years old and her family and she were on a two-week holiday to Gumbet, Turkey. This story sounded a bit odd to everyone for some reason that no one could understand at that time.
Childhood Boyfriend
Kay recalled Heidi becoming friends with another six-year-old boy who was also enjoying vacations with his family. Both of the kids called each other, “boyfriend and girlfriend” and held each other’s hands most of the time. Throughout the holidays, they remained inseparable.
A Puzzling Story
Fiona was fascinated by this story, especially after listening to the even more surprising part of the story. Heidi’s little holiday boyfriend’s name was Ed too. Kay too didn’t know how she should be reacting upon this coincidence and preferred to celebrate her daughter’s happiness. Little did she know that this odd feeling of hers was indeed correct.
Drifting To Other Topics
No matter how weird it felt to both the families, somehow that conversation turned into a different direction. And after spending a couple of hours together, Ed and Heidi finally shared their wish to get married by the end of that year. Everyone was overwhelmed and agreed to it, however, the “holiday boyfriend,” Ed didn’t leave anyone’s mind.
Seeking Answers
The night went well but Kay was left with a lot of questions. All of a sudden, she wanted to know more about Heidi’s holiday boyfriend, Ed. Although she had no explanation for her curiosity, yet she wanted to figure out if her doubts were correct.
Contacted Fiona
When Kay wasn’t able to forget about the party incident even after several days, she contacted Fiona to get her help regarding her concern. Fiona who was equally eager to solve this mystery as it was bothering her, immediately agreed to it.