Couldn’t Handle It

This was not a unique case. History has it, many lottery winners could not sustain the money they won. Different people tell different reasons for the downfall of the Landreth family. Some say that Charlene collected the money in a lump sum that was a too big amount. The assumptions did not end there. 

Who Was Responsible?

Scotty Landreth Story

Whereas some believe that some of her greedy family members took away money from her. And then there were some who held Charlene’s lavish lifestyle responsible for their destruction. But no one knows exactly why did this happen to them.          

Fallen Apart

Unfortunately, Charlene had to close down her the Price is Right. Her personal life too suffered a setback when her husband divorced her. What worse, some alleges that he took away all her money from her account and ran away. But nobody is sure if that is true or just a fabricated piece. 

A Setback

It is also believed that Price could not put up with the setback and eventually died. Her business collapsed and then her boyfriend left her perhaps after stealing all her money. The woman had gotten depressed and was also full of guilt for not being able to manage it all proficiently.

Again A Poor Man

Scotty Landreth Story

Scotty who had won this lottery was back to his previous life. Having no source of income in hand, Scotty had to start working in a restaurant to help his family financially. Could you guess which restaurant? 

Sibling Rivalry

Scotty Landreth Story

He started working in a local McDonald’s. Besides that, Scotty makes extra income by doing other jobs like gardening and tree-trimming. Tammy, his sister resides at the Galax motel. The two are not on talking terms. It is said that the duo had a fight over the Flexi-disc. Or should I say the Golden disc that gave them everything but then took away all they had?