Setting In The Gear
Even in her wildest imagination, Maddie have not thought that she would have to take the risk of mendleing with the gear of the cars without her mother’s supervision. It was a risk she was about to take. She without being caught by the stranger shut down the gear to the drive mode. And next what happened was astonishing.
Half Escape
Next momet, Maddie again starts to hitand bite the man. She even dugged ger nails in the man’s arm. And shout,ed “Mollie run!” Mollie immediately unlocks the car and open up the door and ran towards her mom. But Maddie was still struggling.
Absolutely Clueless
By then Maddie was so lost in beating and biting the man that she did not realize when did her sister unlocked the door and managed to escape. She continued to irritate the man. However, how will she be able to get herself out from the trouble that she had landed in.
Get Out
The moment Brandie saw Mollie coming running towards her, she was happy. But soon only realized that her elder daughter was still their fighting. The horrified mother screamed for Maddie. She shouted, “Maddie Get Out”.
Men On Duty
While Maddie was struggling with the man, finally the police had arrived at the scene. Thankfully, Brandie called 911 back in time, and she could save her elder’s daughter life. Brandie was amazed by the courage that Maddie had shown that day.
Accepted His Defeat
Finding the policemen at sight, the man had no other choice than accepting his defeat. He knew the girls had managed to escape and he was caught red handed. And, the policemen easily recognized this man.