Ran To Bus
As soon as the final bell rang, Jerald rushed to the bus to grab a window seat on the side from where he could get a clear view of the spot. The boy waited for the bus to start and as soon as it did, he was waiting for that one sight and when he did see it, he knew he just could not keep sitting there and do nothing.
Mysterious Object
So, on the daily route home, through Jefferson County Bridge, the boy saw something shining. He tried to focus but the bus was speeding up. Although this time the boy couldn’t finalize what this thing was he decided to tell an elder about it. He rushed to the front seat of the bus, i.e., the driver’s seat to tell him what he just saw.
Stop The Bus!
Jerald told the bus driver to stop the bus as they had to check what was out there. Instead of stopping the bus right away, the driver asked the boy what was it that he saw and Jerald didn’t know the answer to this one. Even after not knowing what it was, Jerald insisted on taking a look at it, but will the driver listen to an 11-year-old?
Jerald never talked much nor did he ever behave the way he was doing that day before. The driver was shocked to see Jerald being stubborn and that too about something that according to the bus driver wasn’t even necessary. The driver tried to be quite clear with the boy to keep moving forward.
Strict Schedule
As Jerald wasn’t ready to give up, the bus driver told him that they had come far away from the bridge. He told the young boy that they could not turn the bus around just to check on something lying on the roadside or under the bridge. The bus driver had a strict schedule to adhere to otherwise any parent might complain of their kids being dropped home late and that would affect the driver’s job. The boy has to give up.
Seeing the boy disappointed, the driver told him what this thing was… Wait, how did the driver know?
A Large Shadowy Figure
Well, the bus driver didn’t know but to convince the boy he said that he knew. Yes, Jerald couldn’t name what he saw but it was a huge shadowy figure and he just wanted to know what it was. That’s when the bus driver said it was most probably a deer. Jerald felt like it was a waste to argue with the driver anymore. But was it just a deer?