No matter how hard the human race thrives to achieve perfection, mistakes are an evitable part of being human. History is lesser the proof of our accomplishments and more of the severe errors human beings have made throughout their existence. For instance, back in 1788, the Austrian army “mistakenly” attacked its own soldier and the result claimed 10,000 lives of their own army.
Well, we can still understand the fact that we all learn from our past. However, we are not going to take you to the old ages when our present generation is doing their part of mistakes. We are no grammar nazis but some mistakes are so silly that we too were on the verge of slamming our heads on the wall.
Think Before You Enter
This is a typo which goes unnoticed by several people. But once your eyes catch, E-n-r-t-y, you too would desperately want to ask the people in there about their knowledge of spellings. Well, it can be a sign that they don’t want anyone to “enter” in the first place. If this is the case then the need for proofreaders is everywhere.
What A Commitment!
School is the place where you are introduced to spellings and grammar. But Colton High School’s commitment is incomparable. They are “commited” to high standards but not correct spellings. Alright, mistakes can still be accepted on legal documents but in a school’s slogan? If it’s not the only typo this high school makes then may the force be with the students who have enrolled themselves here.
Bye Bye Used Cars
Now we are confused, whether this company “buys” used cars or whether they bid Goodbye to them. Overconfidence might be the reason behind this for sure. Also, their poster is kind of funny, unlike the Colton high school’s. Let’s just hope this is a publicity stunt to grab the customers’ attention and that they know the difference between bye and buy!
Oh, The Irony

We have just one thing to say to Mayor Chester Stranczek: “If you get signages written in English which is about English, then at least get it to proofread for Christ’s sake!” Maybe the Mayor is not to be blamed for it but the creator of this signboard who must have tried to cover up his mistake as one of the “excePtions.”
Missippi, The US State

The irony hit right on the face of this newspaper editor. No wonder every newspaper has a section for corrections about the previous day’s news every day. Keeping the general mistakes aside, we cannot resist saying this anymore: it’s MISSISSIPPI bro! There are some major mistakes we all do that cannot be forgiven and on top of all those mistakes, lies this; Missippi.
When entry can be written as “ENRTY” then why can’t stop be written as “SOTP.” No big deal, right? Just ignore the fact that these letters are written in at least three times bigger size than that of “entry”. Well, people just need to stop being so brutal towards the English language. I mean what has English ever done to anyone but make their lives easier?