Some More Irony
The Sun should take time to regret the error in the title as well. Newspapers still try to correct themselves in the correction section. Ironically, they sometimes misspell the word C-O-R-R-E-C-T-I-O-N itself. Irony just died a sad death.
Cash Prize
It will be a pleasure to get your vehicle towed and you receive a reward of $50 for it. Wouldn’t it be the best violation of parking rules ever? Some times we think there should be more fools like this one. You don’t have to seek entertainment on TV or Laptops as life will be funny in that case.
Book Fail
Never judge a book by its cover but certainly judge it by the P-R-E-F-A-C-E. What will be happening inside the book if even the spelling of preface is incorrect? Okay, a mistake can still be neglected but not this one. At least not when it reads Pee-Face. It sounds more like a profanity than just a mistake.
Warmed In Owen
We would really love to have a cookie that’s baked in microwave not warmed in the “Owen.” We don’t know where to start from but keeping the first things first, Microwave and Ovens are two different appliances, guess all the readers know it very well. Also, we feel sorry for all the Owen families around the globe who were unaware of the techniques of warming cookies inside themselves.
You Mean Frozen Foods?
We know of frozen food but maybe there’s a new type of food in the market that is prepared by floating on the water. Alright, let’s not talk nonsense here when there’s already more than enough nonsense going on in these pictures. Anyway, we would really like to know if this new type of “Flozen” food is healthy or adds up in the list of just another junk food?
How Morbid
This seems like an intentional message by a Game Of Thrones‘ fan who got over excited about the show and spread his message through the source of a message. This happens when people get overexcited about Game Of Thrones more than required. The message says that along with winter, deaths are also coming. Now that the show is almost about to be over, it looks like a valid point.