Illegal Parking Will Be Fine
Well, nowhere else on this planet will a signboard like this exist which openly permits the people to park on someone else’s property. Someone should teach the person who created this, a good lesson by parking in the place and waiting for it. Why not tell the person that it is just F-I-N-E and that you won’t be “fined” for it.
Public Schools
Schools are all set to take it to the next level. We can still forgive the Colton High School and their “commited” staff but not the newsletter staff of Suthbendon.com. We want to say a lot, sadly, we are running out of words for these people. We just pity people of South Bend area who read their newsletter.
Crosswalk Gone Wrong
Did the school assign this job to the kids in the school? Or did someone take revenge? Because anyway it’s hard to believe that a sane person can actually do a mistake like this one. We have no clue how long it took before this typo was corrected. You never know, there are high chances that no one ever notices it, not at least the people who are supposed to correct it. Almighty Bless Them All!
Bored Room
Another sample of honesty depicted by another company. Apparently, it’s not a room for the Executive “Board”. We must applaud the amazing HRs for this act of greatness. Now that the truth has been unleashed, it is easier for everyone to understand what Executive B-O-R-E-D Room is all about.
Newspaper Fail
We just can’t get over the fact that newspapers can make such typos. Especially, when they were the biggest source of current information just a couple of decades back. Yes, one might not catch it if reading fluently. But “Sixers tie it up again as series H-I-T-S to Boston” or sh*ts to Boston, we too are confused.
Falling Asleep On The Keyboard
We are not sure if this falls under the category of a typo or not. Well, let’s think from the writer’s side who wrote this while he was doing overtime and dozed off on the keyboard. Being writers we have empathy for him/her but we can’t really say much about the proofreader.