
Can you? Are you that lonely? Don’t know about you we are never going to follow these instructions. We’d rather chose to stay out of this door. The right use of words mean a lot and if they would have mentioned wiggle instead of “giggle,” it would have been just so perfect.

Don’t Mess With The “Villains”

So far you must have gotten used to reading school authorities’ faults. Okay, so this school’s student and teachers are only crazy for basketball. Guess spelling doesn’t matter much. Is it “villains” or “villians?” Did someone warn them against using the same spellings twice? 

No Way

We aren’t sure what’s stocked inside these boxes but one thing is certain: it’s not a human error but a computer error. After all, Chinese people are known worldwide for their hard work.

Customers Only

They are Customers, not Costumers. Where is all this coming from? Does it take so much effort to re-read? Or will you like to try a beautiful costume on before entering the washroom? Let’s just follow all the rules or not go there at all. 


This restaurant is closed but that didn’t disappoint their customers as much as their signboard saying: they “apologise” for any incontinence caused, did. Will these people ever apologize to their customers for making them read this sign?

Dangerous Stairs

Just keep aside the fact that we won’t prefer to open this scary looking door unless that’s our only option left. All we need to look for is “hade”. Where is that supposed to be? Maybe on the head. Be it head or hade we are not going in a place as creepy as this one. Not willingly at least.