Lavender Oil

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Some days, you just cannot stay still or fall asleep. It gets incredibly annoying to be so restless. After all, we all need a good night’s sleep to function daily. If you ever find yourself in an uncomfortable condition like restlessness, just make sure you massage the whole body with lavender oil after mixing it with a carrier oil. Just add droplets of lavender oil into an oil diffuser to help you calm down and relax.


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When you are in public, your cough tends to become quite embarrassing and irritating. While it is not as such a serious health issue, it can get tiresome to cough too much. After a while, it tends to take a toll on your body too. You can avail from the problems that a bad cough can bring by gargling a mix of salt and turmeric water.


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When you cough, especially the explosive ones can get you humiliated. We all know how it feels like to cough out loud and whoop involuntarily. To avoid this public embarrassment, you can just make yourself some drink ginger tea with honey. It is like a magic potion that will clear your sore throat and relieve you from all the coughing.

Almond Oil

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When we hear almond oil, we usually associate it with hair. We know how helpful it is to grow a hair and to nourish it. But there is one other thing that almond oil is useful for. Just massage the whole body with almond oil to feel relaxed. It is actually a very effective way to fall into a quick and deep slumber.

Lemon And Honey

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Diarrhea can ruin anyone’s day. It does not matter if you are big or small, if you are rich or poor, when it hits you, it can mess u your whole day. If you feel yourself starting to go that direction, just mix one lemon’s juice in warm water, add honey. If you keep on drinking this 2-3 times a day, you can avail from the troubles that diarrhea brings.


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Most of us love the taste of bananas. It has a lot of health benefits but there is one thing that it is primarily known for. Bananas are good for curing diarrhea. They can help to soothe diarrhea and save you from those uncountable trips to the toilet. Just eat a banana after every little while.